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 July 31st, 2024

Why do I need a purpose?

An authentic purpose transcends the mere transactional nature of business. A company's purpose answers the question Why do we exist? If a business remains true to its purpose it provides a compass, guiding decisions and actions, fostering trust, and ensuring long-term, sustainable success.

People want to be connected to something more than just making money for the owners or shareholders. More than ever people want to be connected to something more, something bigger than themselves and something more meaningful.

Attracting talent

Employees, often seek more than just a paycheck from their jobs. They want to be part of something meaningful. A company with a clear purpose can attract and retain talent by offering a sense of contribution and fulfillment

Improving employee engagement

The younger generations more than ever want to be connected to purpose. Dan Pink’s work around intrinsic motivation uncovers the surprising truth about what motivates us. People are motivated by more than money. Take money off the table, you must pay fairly and well but if you want to see your people truly flourish and achieve over and above you need to give them purpose, mastery and autonomy. Purpose, something to work for that is bigger than themselves and more meaningful than simply making money.

Direction and decision making

A clear purpose provides a framework for strategic decisions, ensuring that actions align with the company's core principles. It offers guidance during challenging times and can help resolve dilemmas that might arise.

Attracting customers - brand differentiation

In a crowded market, a compelling purpose can differentiate a company from its competitors. It can be a unique selling proposition that resonates with customers.

Customer loyalty

Customers want to feel a connection to your business, your brand and what you stand for. Customers today are more socially and environmentally conscious than ever before, and they are increasingly looking to do business with companies that align with their values. Living your purpose will keep your customers loyal.

Business performance

Purpose-driven businesses outperform other businesses. Jim Collins extensive research documented in Good to Great showed us that purpose-driven businesses that reference and make decisions supported by their Purpose outperform the competition.

So being clear about your Purpose and communicating that to your stakeholders simply makes good business sense. Quality Check

Test your purpose statement with the following questions:

  • Is it inspiring?
  • Would people care?
  • Would it attract people to come to work with you?
  • Would customers be attracted to the business?  



The Body Shop 
The Body Shop exists to fight for a fairer, more beautiful world. 

Empowering the world to design

Crusoe Cloud 
Aligning the future of computing with the future of the climate. 


Interesting resources

📚  Why do I need a purpose statement (image)

State of the Global Workplace - Gallup

Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us  - Dan Pink


Good to Great - Jim Collins



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